
2012年4月30日 星期一

Lab 21 HTML

1. Using Microsoft Notepad, Copy and paste the HTML example atIntroduction to HTML
2. Save the file as myfile.html
3. Open the file using Firefox.

New editor
4. Enter http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic
5. Copy and paste the HTML example at Introduction to HTML
6. Verify your results on the screen.

 7. Repeat the work for

HTML Elements 

  HTML Headings

Lab 20 Google Accessibility

Lab 19 AccessBar

AccessBar: displays defined accesskeys in a fixed-position bar along the bottom of the window. Added 2005-04-01 (not a joke). Find how many access keys have been defined atwww.ocac.gov.tw www.epa.gov.tw

Continued from the above, use google to find 3 more government sites in Taiwan that enable access keys.

2012年4月23日 星期一

Lab 18 Clean Language

1. Save the JavaScript file of Clean Language to your desktop. Make changes to the script with self-defined bad words. To do this, save the JavaScript on your desk top. Use Notepad editor to make changes. Install the modified script as Greasemonkey.

2. Use Google to search webpages that contains some bad words.

3. Try whether the filtering take effects.

Lab 17 Greasemonkey

1. Install Greasemonkey 0.9.1.

2. Check what cookies http://www.nytimes.com writes to you.

3. Does our class blog use cookie or not?    Yes.

4. Does Google use cookie?    Yes.

5. Click again to activate Greasemonkey.

Lab 16 Using Google PageRank

在Firefox上安裝 PageRank , 然後使用 PageRank 量測以下網站的 PageRank (0~10分)

紐約時報 http://www.nytimes.com
PageRank 9

CNN http://www.cnn.com/
PageRank 8
台灣雅虎 http://tw.yahoo.com
PageRank 8
蕃薯藤 http://www.yam.com
PageRank 7
PCHome 購物 http://shopping.pchome.com.tw/
PageRank 5


Google http://www.google.com/
PageRank 9

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/
PageRank  9

噗浪 http://www.plurk.com/
PageRank 6

PageRank-Google 決定搜尋排名的關鍵技術
PageRank 的論文